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Habits, and how to change the poor ones

Posted On: November 8, 2017 11:02 am |Category: Betterment

How do we do that? Well, most will say you have to create a habit. I on the other hand believe that you need to Replace a habit.

Every habit works in a loop. The loop consists of three things, The Cue, The Routine, and the Reward. You will start to notice these three things in your day to day lives when it comes to your habits. Here are some examples…

You might be used to habitually coming home, seeing the remote on your coffee table, and immediately turning on your television.

The cue is the remote

The routine is turning on the television

The reward is mindlessly gazing into the screen or watching a certain program.

Another common example is walking by a bar or fast food restaurant.

The cue is seeing and/or smelling the food/drinks within the establishment

The routine is popping in for a “quick” drink or bite to eat

The reward is stuffing your face with that deliciously greasy food, or slamming down some of your favorite drinks

In my opinion, these are negative health habits, if taken advantage of.. If you are skipping the gym consistently because of television, or going out to eat constantly, then these are negative habits that are controlling you. If you are able to workout and eat healthy somewhat consistently, then you can afford to partake in these activities, but if they are keeping you from your goals, then there lies a problem.

I challenge you to pick one negative health habit (it doesnt have to be these examples, but one that pertains to you) that is taking up a good amount of your time, while also taking away from your physical/mental health, and REPLACE is with a good exercise and/or eating habit. For example, instead of going home directly after work to “destress” by watching television (or insert any bad habit here), you’ll go to the gym and workout/move your body instead!

Once you establish that change, something amazing will happen.. Your cue to workout will change. You may look at your body in the mirror and want to exercise. You may see someone in your office going to workout. You may walk/drive by your gym on the way to or back from work. You’ll start to notice these cues, and the routine will then turn into you GOING to the gym! The reward = you feeling positivity after the gym. You knowing that you are working towards your ideal physique or fitness goals. You knowing that you can now enjoy hanging out with friends with less guilt. You knowing that you can go home to watch television after feeling accomplished. You keeping positive momentum in your life.

Ultimately, in my opinion, good is what feels good after the fact. After you down a tub of ice cream, do you ever feel great? After you binge watch television while scrolling through social media, do you ever feel fulfilled? The answer is most likely no. Making strides towards a healthy lifestyle WILL make you feel amazing after.

Let’s start changing those negative health habits, and start making strides towards a healthier, more fulfilling life! Work with me here at My Fit Philosophy and we will develop a program catered to your needs, and motivate you along the way. Take our quiz, and lets get you moving towards a healthier, goal oriented lifestyle.

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